Marie E. Rognes


Dr. Marie E. Rognes


I am Chief Research Scientist in the Department of Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing at Simula Research Laboratory in Oslo, Norway.

My research spans applied and computational mathematics, scientific computing and computational physiology, targeting dual scientific impact in mathematics and in the life sciences. For publications and bio, see Marie E. Rognes at Google scholar and ORCID.

I am a core developer and Steering Council Member of the FEniCS Project and a founding member of the Dolfin-adjoint project.

Research projects (selection)

FEniCS in the Wild: Next-generation simulation and learning in imaging-based biomedicine, funded by the Wellcome Trust, 2024–2026 (Project leader)

K. G. Jebsen Center for Brain Fluid Research, funded by the K. G. Jebsen Foundation, 2024–2029 (Deputy Director and Principal investigator)

Exciting times: extreme modelling of excitable tissue (EMIx) , a Research Council of Norway (RCN) FRIPRO Researcher project for scientific renewal, 2021-2025 (Project leader)

AUTORHYTHM – the role of autophagy in healthy aging, a life science convergence environment, 2022-2026 (Principal investigator)

Mathematical and computational foundations for modelling cerebral fluid flow (Waterscales), a European Research Council Starting Grant in Mathematics, 2016-2023 (Project leader). Read about the project results here: Rognes, Waterscales, Eur. Math. Soc. Mag. 126 (2022)

The numerical waterscape of the brain, a RCN FRIPRO Young Research Talent Grant, 2016-2019 (Project leader)

Automated uncertainty quantification for numerical solution of partial differential equations, a Nordic Council of Ministers Research Grant, 2015-2018 (Project leader)

Research presentations (selection)

Perivascular pathways and the dimension-2 gap (Zenodo), 2024

Brains in motion: computational modelling of the brain’s waterscape (Zenodo), 2024

Such stuff as dreams are made on: a computational tale of optimal transport and brain clearance (Zenodo, YouTube), 2022

Mathematical modelling of human brain transport: from medical images to biophysical simulation (Zenodo, YouTube), 2022

Understanding the mechanisms of the brain’s waterscape (YouTube), 2021

The brain’s numerical waterscape (Zenodo, YouTube), 2021

TEDxOslo: Mathematics that cures us (YouTube), 2016

Upcoming events

2024-09-25: I will give keynote lectures on Computational Mathematics of Life Sciences at the Woudschoten Conference of the Dutch-Flemish Scientific Computing Society, the Netherlands (Sept 25-27 2024).

2024-10-21: I will give a keynote lecture at the Amsterdam Center for Dynamics and Computation workshop on “The numerical brain: forward and inverse problems in neuroscience applications”, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, the Netherlands (Oct 21-23 2024).

2025-03-19: I will give a seminar in the MOX Colloquium Series and stay for a short research visit at the Politecnico di Milano, Italy (Mar 19-21 2025).

2025-06-24: I will give a keynote lecture at the 30th Biennial Numerical Analysis Conference, University of Strathclyde (June 24-27 2025).

2025-09-01: I will participate in the Institut Mittag-Leffler research program on Interfaces and Unfitted Discretization Methods in Stockholm, Sweden (Aug-Dec 2025).

News and highlights (Feb 4 2024 - current)

2024-09-24: Our paper on The modelling error in multi-dimensional time-dependent solute transport models is now published in ESAIM: M2AN. Congratulations to first author Rami Masri.

2024-09-12: I gave a plenary lecture at the Norwegian Mathematics Meeting, Oslo, Norway (Sept 12-13 2024).

2024-08-20: We organized an EMIx workshop on "Computational modelling of excitable tissue in the extreme" at Simula (Aug 20-21, 21-24 2024). Thanks to all participants.

2024-08-08: I visited the University of California San Diego in connection with the SUURPh 10th year anniversary and 3rd cohort kick-off (Aug 8-16 2024).

2024-07-01: Our research proposal on Next-Generation Simulation and Learning in Imaging-Based Biomedicine has been selected as part of the Essential Open Source Software for Science program funded by the Wellcome Trust.

2024-06-19: I gave an invited lecture at the ERC NEMESIS Synergy Grant Kick-off Workshop in Montpellier, France (June 19-21 2024). Thanks to the hosts for organizing such a great workshop.

2024-06-14: The Center for Advanced Study at the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters has selected our project on Mathematical challenges in brain mechanics for the 2025/2026 academic year. Congratulations to lead PIs Kent-Andre Mardal and Jan Martin Nordbotten.

2024-06-12: We organized the FEniCS 2024 conference at Simula Research Laboratory in Oslo, Norway (June 12-14 2024). Thanks to all speakers, sponsors, chairs, and all (nearly 100) attendees for contributing to the meeting.

2024-05-27: We have a new preprint out: Spatial modeling algorithms for reactions and transport (SMART) in biological cells. Congratulations to Emmet Francis and Justin Laughlin as lead authors.

2024-05-14: Welcome to Isabella Polsfuss (Bioengineering, Columbia University) who is visiting our EMIx research team as a summer research intern.

2024-05-03: I presented our research on "Computational mathematics and brain multiphysics" at the Center for Molecular Medicine Norway, Oslo, Norway.

2024-04-14: Our manuscript Cut finite element discretizations of cell-by-cell EMI electrophysiology models has just been accepted for publication at the SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing. Congratulations to lead author Nanna Berre.

2024-04-09: Our new preprint Modeling CSF circulation and the glymphatic system during infusion using subject specific intracranial pressures and brain geometries has been submitted. Congratulations to Lars Willas Dreyer as lead author.

2024-03-14: We just submitted our new volume "Mathematical modeling of the human brain II: from glymphatics to deep learning" as a Simula SpringerBrief on Computing.

2024-03-12: Our new preprint Scalable approximation and solvers for ionic electrodiffusion in cellular geometries has been submitted. Congratulations to Pietro Benedusi, Ada J. Ellingsrud, Halvor Herlyng and the entire EMIx team.

2024-03-08: I've been selected as one of Norway's Top 50 Women in Tech. Congratulations to all the awardees.

2024-02-21: I will be speaking at the European Society for Mathematical and Theoretical Biology online colloquium. Thank you so very much to the organizers for the invitation -- my presentation on Brains in motion: computational modelling of the brain's waterscape (Zenodo) is now available.

2024-02-12: Our K. G. Jebsen Center for Brain Fluid Research (in Norwegian, in English) has been selected for funding. This interdisciplinary research center will translate fundamental knowledge of brain fluids to clinical medicine targeting personalized theranostics for dementia and brain cancer.

2024-02-09: We have opened the abstract submission for the FEniCS 2024 Conference at Simula Research Laboratory in Oslo, June 12-14 2024. Deadline: April 5 2024.

2024-02-04: Our paper on Modeling excitable cells with the EMI equations: spectral analysis and iterative solution strategy is now published in the Journal on Scientific Computing (Springer). Congratulations to Dr. Pietro Benedusi as lead author.


The layout for this webpage is based on that of my colleague Prof. Patrick E. Farrell. (Thanks!)